Mileage: 82.1 miles Average Speed: 16.3 mph
Vertical: 1941 feet Depart: 6:34 AM Arrive: 1:27 PM
Calories: 5779
Link to Garmin ROUTE DATA
After a lovely day off in Niagara Falls, I bid farewell to Sara and family, and got back on the road. The depart and arrive stats are a little misleading, because immediately after we left, we stopped at Denny's for a nice breakfast, and about a mile before arriving, we stopped at a nice restaurant for lunch. The biggest issue with today's ride was that it was quite humid. I was fairly well soaked shortly after start, but the temperature was not too bad, so it was still good riding. The first SAG was in either the Tonowanda or the Iriquois wildlife area. Tom Zack and I tried to approach some geese, but this is about as close as we got.
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